the brother or sister in your family - Sibling, your uncle or aunt's child - Cousin, people that are related to you in your family - Relative, male or female - Gender, a category of people based on physical traits, ethnic background or ancestry - Race, a group of numbers that is part of your address - Postal/Zip Code, the nine digit number you use in employment, identification or tax return - Social Security Number, the three digit code in front of the phone number - Area Code, the person you can contact other than your family members in case of emergency - Emergency Contact, information that you can share with other people - Public Information, information that you do not share with other people - Private Information, referring to a person's status while living in a country (permanent resident, citizen, non-resident, etc.) - Residential Status, a person's job or profession - Occupation, a region that consists of cities and towns - County,
Memory Applying for a Job Vocabulary
8th Grade
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