Biodiversity - is the variety of Earth’s species, the genetic material they contain, the ecosystems in which they live, and ecosystem processes, Species diversity - the variety of species in an ecosystem, Genetic diversity - the variety of genes in a population or in a species, Ecosystem diversity - Earth’s diversity of biological communities, Functional Diversity - the variety of processes that occur within ecosystems, such as energy flow and matter cyclingvariety, Biome - major habitations/large ecosystems with distinct climates and species, Habitat - The geographic location of the species, Niche - The role the species plays in an ecosystem and everything that affects its survival and reproduction, Native Species - Naturally originated in a specific ecosystem, suited to conditions there, Non-Native Species - Immigrate or are introduced (deliberately or accidentally) into an ecosystem, Keystone Species - species affect the type and abundance of other species in an ecosystem, Indicator species - Species whose presence or absence indicates the quality or characteristics of certain environmental conditions, Natural selection - Process by which individuals with certain genetic traits are more likely to survive and reproduce under a specific set of environmental conditions, thereby passing these traits on to their offspring., Biological evolution - Process by which species change genetically over time., Adaptation - Any heritable trait that gives an individual some advantage over other individuals in a given population., Genetic variability  - Variety in the genetic makeup of individuals in a population., Mutation - Permanent change in the DNA sequence within a gene, Speciation - occurs when one species splits into two or more different species, Geographic Isolation - Occurs over time when groups of the same population become physically isolated (by mountains, rivers, roads or distance) from one another, Reproduction isolation - When mutation and change occur, due to natural selection, operate independently in the gene pools of populations in different areas., Extinction  - occurs when a species ceases to exist,

Chapter 4 Biodiversity and Evolution Vocab

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