1) A situation where people are treated very unfairly. a) justice b) injustice c) resolve d) compel 2) To do something Intentionally or on purpose a) deliberately b) compel c) quality d) heartless 3) Harsh, extreme, or very severe a) comply b) injustice c) befuddled d) drastic 4) To find an answer or solution to a problem. a) squander b) compel c) resolve d) quality 5) A special characteristic or feature, of a person's personality or character. a) heartless b) quality c) befuddled d) resolve 6) Without heart, being unkind or cruel. a) comply b) injustice c) heartless d) sequence 7) Completely confused a) befuddled b) comply c) injustice d) heartless 8) To do what you are asked to do or what a law or rule requires you to do. a) befuddled b) compel c) comply d) injustice 9) Series of events or objects in a particular order.  a) procedure b) compel c) sequence d) surge 10) To force a) compel b) comply c) injustice d) deliberately

Week 21


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