body - ___ language is just as important as words, eyes - Make good contact using these., active - ______ listening is key in communication, friendly - Being ____ helps people trust you., perspective - point of view, paraphrase - Say it in your own words, reflect - Mirrors do this, and so can you to show empathy., genuine - not fake, buts - Instead of these, use 'ands'., effective - has an impact, clarifying - To better understand, ask ____ questions., attention - Pay ____., repeat - Do it more than once., personalize - Use people's names., openminded - considering other points of view, feedback - Give and take these responses., compliment - Use a ____ sandwich to give feedback., nonverbal - 3/4 or more of communication is ____, stance - Relax your ____ to show you are listening., audience - Know your ___ when you communicate.,
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