1) Everybody needs a balanced meal for optimal health, and ... with a diverse variety of options is the ideal place to eat. a) nowhere b) somewhere c) everything d) however 2) ... special happens when you take action with dedication and a positive approach. a) Somewhere b) Noone c) Something d) Whatever 3) To survive in today's difficult world, ... should have the ability to handle unexpected challenges. a) everybody b) nobody c) somebody d) someone 4) The bus was completely empty. There was ...on it. a) anybody b) whoever c) everybody d) no one 5) 'Where did you go for your holidays?' ' .... . I stayed at home.' a) Somewhere b) Anywhere c) Nowhere d) Wherever 6) I went to the shops, but I didn't buy ... . a) nothing b) anything c) something d) everything 7) 'How was your shopping?' - Not really successful. I couldn't find .... I wanted.' a) everything b) nothing c) something d) whatever 8) Have you seen my watch? I can't find it ... . a) everywhere b) somewhere c) wherever d) anywhere

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