Making a point: These are several reasons why I think that ..., That fact suggests..., The evidence shows..., If you think about it..., After all... / The point is ..., Clarifying the point: Let me put it this way..., What I'm basically saying is..., I think you'll find that..., Actually ... / In fact ..., Challenging point: Do you think that's always the case?, Can you be sure about that?, Is there any way to prove that?, But that's not the point., I don't see how you can say that., But that doesn't take account of the fact that... , Encouraging some contribution : So, what do you think about?, Where do you stand on this?, But don't you think...?, How do you feel about this?, Keeping your turn: Hold on a minute., I wanted to say., There are a couple of things I'd like to say about..., Sorry, and another thing..., Giving you thinking time: That's an interesting question to concider., That's something which we should consider carefully., It's not something I've thought much about before., I suppose if you think about it..., Staying on original topic: Going back to what you were saying about..., I'm not sure what that's got to do with..., Getting back to the point which is...,
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