cycle - wheel; turn, uni/mono - one, tri - three, bi,di, du/duo - two , motorcycle - a cycle that moves under its own power, recycle - to reuse something instead of throwing it out or away, cyclone - another name for a torndado, encyclopedia - reference books of well-rounded knowledge, cyclops - mythical creature with one eye in the center of its forehead, unicorn - a mythical horse-like animal with one horn on its head, triangle - a shape with three sides, bilingual - a person who an speak two languages, triplets - three siblings born at the same time, unison - doing an action, such as singing, at the same time, bifocal - the lens of your glasses split into two sections , duet - what two singers are called when they sing together, monogram - a design using one letter from each of your names, duplicate - to make a copy of a document or an object, digraph - two letters that make a single sound, monolith - a large free-standing structure, such as the Washington Monument, monorail - a train that runs on one rail, divide - separate something into at least two parts , monocle - an eyeglass with one lens,
Cycle, Uni, Mono, Bi, Di, Du/Duo, Tri
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