于 - 在, 当晚 - 当天晚上, 以 - 为了, 应…请求 - at the request of, 草拟…决议 - to draft a resolution, 商讨…(问题) - to discuss (an issue), 作为…先头力量 - to serve as vanguard, 授权 - authorize, 海地 - Haiti, 当晚 - on that night, 支 - counter word for troops, 部队 - troops, 动乱 - turmoil, 加勒比岛国 - Caribbean Island country, 恢复秩序 - to restore order, 过渡 - transition, 具体 - specific; concrete, 应…请求 - at the request of, 格林尼治 - Greenwich, 共同体 - commonwealth, 成员 - member (countries), 草拟 - to draft, 决议 - agreement; decision; resolution, 商讨 - to discuss, 组成 - to form, 阿里斯蒂德 - Aristide (president of Haiti), 早些时候 - early (that day), 数小时 - several hours, 辞职 - to resign , 出兵 - send troops, 下令 - send orders, 部署 - to deploy, 海军陆战队 - Marine, 临时 - temporary, 先头 - the advance (troop), 力量 - (military) force,
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