Something you put a letter in. ......, A strong feeling of attraction. ......, Two people in a relationship..., The colour associated with Valentine's Day. ......, The God of love...., Connected to love or a close loving relationship. ......, Objects filled with air often used at parties. ......, Sweet brown things that come in a box. ......, Something you give someone with your lips. ......, The symbol of love and an organ in your body..., Food made from sugar. ......, Something you give someone. ......, When you put your arms around someone you love. ......, Colourful things that come from plants. ......, You do this with a card or letter., To do something fun to mark a special event. ......, A meeting with someone you like very much. ......, The month when Valentine's Day is celebrated. ......, Something you send someone on Valentine's Day. .......
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