1) I see one mouse. I see many a) mouse b) mouses c) mice 2) I see one child. I see many a) children b) child c) childs 3) I have one wife. I have many a) wife b) wives c) wifes 4) I have one life. I have many a) life b) lifes c) lives 5) I have one knife. I have two a) knives b) knife c) knifes 6) I have one sheep. I have many a) sheep b) sheeps c) sheeped 7) I have one leaf. I have three a) leaves b) leafs c) leaf 8) I have one foot. I have two a) foot b) foots c) feet 9) I have one fish. I have two a) fish b) fished c) fishes 10) I see one deer. I see three a) deers b) deer c) deered 11) I see one goose. I see two a) goose b) geese c) gooses 12) I see one man. I see many a) men b) man c) mans 13) I see one person. I see three a) persons b) person c) people 14) I have one tooth. I have many a) teeth b) tooth c) tooths 15) I have one die. I have three a) dice b) dies c) die

Irregular Plurals with choices


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