The vent pipe, This allows air to enter the system to operate at atmospheric pressure , must comply with part h and bs en 12056, a long radius bend or two 45's. This allows effluent to maintain its velocity, To overcome crossflow a parallel junction may be used. This allows for a connection to be made under the 200mm restriction., The parallel junction is made of 50mm waste pipe and includes rodding access and a strapped boss connection, vent terminal (bird cage) to stop debris entering the stack, pipe size 75mm-100mm, max length 3m, gradient 18-90mm, pipe size 32mm, max length 1.7m, gradient 18-22mm, pipe size 40mm, max length 3m, gradient 18-90mm, wc trap seal depth 50mm, basin trap seal depth 75mm, bath trap seal depth 50mm pipe size 40mm, max length 3m, gradient 18-90mm, kitchen sink trap seal depth 75mm.
8202-25 drainage (soil pipe)
8202-25 Level 2 Plumbing
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