colander - Used to drain water from pasta or vegetables, whisk - Used to incorporate air while mixing, tongs - Used to grip and lift foods in both cooking and serving; , grater - Used to shred food items; must wear a cut protection glove when you use, Meat Tenderizer - Used to break down connective tissues and fibers in meat and poultry, rolling pin - Used to flatten dough evenly, dry measuring cups - Used to measure dry goods such as flour, sugar or salt; Standard set is 1/4c, 1/3c, 1/2c, and 1 c , pastry blender - used to cut fat into dry ingredients, like flour, mixing spoon - Used to mix and stir foods, cutting board - Must be used when cutting ingredients to prevent damage to the counter top, wire rack - Allows air to circulate around foods; commonly used to cool cookies, chefs knife - Most commonly used knife in the culinary kitchen; used to mince, dice, chop, and slice, Serrated knife - Used to cut soft foods like loaves of bread or tomatoes, Sauté pan/skillet - Used to cook on the stove top; commonly used to brown ground meat and cook hamburgers, rubber scraper - Used to removes food from sides of a bowl, pan or jar so as to ensure no waste, Utility Fork or 2-tined fork - Used to lift and turn large cuts of meat while carving, Turner - Used to lift and/or turn foods, Strainer - Used to remove water or excess liquid from items; can also be used to sift flour, Straight Spatula - Used to level items when measuring, Vegetable Peeler - Used to peel fruits and vegetables; must use cut protection gloves when you use, Measuring Spoons - Used to measure small amounts of liquid and dry ingredients; Standard set is 1/8t, 1/4t, 1/2t, 1t, 1T, Juicer - Used to remove juice from citrus fruits, Zester - Used to remove pieces of skin from citrus fruits, Sifter - Used to remove clumps and incorporate air into flour and confectioner's sugar, Stock Pot - Used on the stovetop to cook large amounts of liquids, like stocks, soups, and water for pastas, Saucepan - Used to cook on the stovetop; commonly used for sauces, boiling smaller amounts of water, and simmering foods, Ladle - Used to serve soups, chilis, and stews, Slotted Spoon - Used to cook and serve foods; allows liquid to drain from food item when serving, Kitchen Shears - Used to open packages, snipping herbs, and cutting foods, Double Boiler - Used to apply gentle heat to foods such as cheese or chocolate; water is place in bottom pan to create steam,
Kitchen Tools
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
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