Emergent/Resuscitative: Onset: Occurrence of burn injury, End point: Successful fluid resuscitation, Remove patient from heat source., Initiate first aid., Assess extent of burn injury., Prevent hypothermia., Assess for shock., Determine need for intubation., Determine need for IV therapy., Follow protocol for fluid resuscitation., Obtain history., Transport to tertiary care facility., Acute : Onset: Diuresis, End point: Wound closure, Begin hydrotherapy., Determine need for excision of burn wound., Control spread of infection., Institute wound care., Start nutrition support., Graft burn wound., Initiate physical therapy., Manage pain., Rehabilitative : Assess home maintenance management., Consider vocational training., Consider occupational therapy., Address psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual needs., Continue physical therapy., Prevent scar formation., End point: Return to highest level of health restoration, Onset: Wound closure,
Interventions in Various Stages of Burn Injury
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