Voice over IP (VoIP) - A technology that sends voice phone calls using the TCP/IP protocol over digital data lines., Synchronous Technology - A technology that allows two or more groups to communicate in real time such as video conferencing, VoIP, or live streaming., Asynchronous Technology - A technology that allows groups to communicate by taking turns, such as in emailing and text messaging., Netiquette - Rules of etiquette that should be observed while using computer networks, such as the internet., Texting - Phone communication in written form sent through SMS (Short Message Service) that can be sent over a cellular network or the internet. Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is an extension of SMS that supports picture, audio, and video messaging., Messaging - A form of written communication similar to texting but is typically done with the use of an app like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp, usually on a mobile device., Online Chat - An online written form of communication that is typically web based and used by businesses as customer service tools to assist online users who visit their websites., Streaming - A method of transmitting and receiving data (especially video and audio information) over a network as a steady, continuous flow, allowing playback while the data is being transferred., Buffering - The pre-loading of data from a stream into memory to help avoid interruptions while waiting for data that is received in bursts., Downloading - Creating a copy of a file from a web or network server and saving it to your local computer. This allows a user to open the file at any time even if they don't have a network connection., On-Demand Streaming - A streaming method that allows users to select and watch or listen to video or audio when they choose, rather than at a scheduled broadcast time., Live Streaming - A streaming method that transmits data in real time as it is created.,
ITF Ch. 5.6 Internet Communications Technologies
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