1) Which sentence is written correctly? a) I like apples, bananas, and oranges. b) I like apples, and carrots. c) I like apples and bananas oranges. d) I like apples bananas and oranges. 2) Which sentence is written correctly? a) There are dogs cats parrots at the pet store. b) There are dogs, cats, and parrots at the pet store c) There, are dogs, and cats. d) There are dogs, and, cats, parrots at the pet store. 3) Which sentence is written correctly? a) You need your pencil journal and chromebook for class. b) You need, your pencil and chromebook for class. c) You need your chromebook, d) You need your pencil, journal, and chromebook for class. 4) How many items do you need in a series to add a comma? a) 1 b) 5 c) 3 d) 2 5) Which one is correct? a) football basketball soccer b) football, basketball soccer c) football, basketball, and soccer d) football and basketball and soccer 6) Which sentence is written correctly? a) I invited Addasyn, Jr, and Evan to the party. b) I invited addasyn and jr, and Evan to the party. c) I invited Addasyn Jr. and Evan to the party. d) I invited Addasyn, Jr, Evan to the party. 7) Which one is correct? a) purple, orange green b) purple, orange, green, c) purple organge green d) purple, orange, and green 8) Choose the correct items in a series a) California, Louisiana, and Texas b) California Louisiana and Texas c) California, Louisiana, and, Texas d) California and Louisiana and Texas 9) In order to separate items by commas you also need to insert an "and" too. a) True b) False 10) This way a fun way to practice items in a series! a) True b) False
Commas in a Series
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
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