Urban Sprawl - The rapid spread of a city into adjoining suburbs and rural areas., Marginal Land - Land that is poorly suited for building., Urbanization - The movement of people from rural to urban areas, Population Density - A measure of the number of people per unit of land., Infrastructure - Body of public works, such as roads, bridges, and hospitals, that a country needs to support a modern economy., Heat Island - An area in which the air temperature is generally higher than the temperature of surrounding rural areas., Land-use Planning - The set of policies and activities related to potential uses of land that must be in place before an area is developed., Geographical Information System (GIS) - An automated system for storing, retrieving, analyzing, and displaying geographic data., Green Space - Land within urban areas that is set aside for scenic and recreational enjoyment., Ecosystem Services - Resources which include clean drinking water, fertile soil and land for crops, trees for wood and paper, and much of the oxygen we breathe, which is produced by plants.,
Urban Vocabulary
9th Grade
Environmental Science
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