win at all costs - do anything in order to win, con - deceive and mislead, let sb win - allow sb to win, get away with it - not to be punished for doing sth bad, hold your head up - feel proud of sth you have done or achieved, play fair - follow the rules in a game, come out on top - win, fake sth - pretend it happens in order to mislead someone, underdog - very inexperienced, play for time - try to make something happen more slowly, put sb off - take your attention from what you are trying to do and make it more difficult for you to do it., bend the rules - ignore rules or change them to suit one's own convenience, unbeaten - someone who hasn't lost before or for a long time, conceide - admit that you have lost, the favourite - a person that is preferred to all others of the same kind or is especially well liked., dive - a deliberate fall by a player, intended to deceive the referee into awarding a foul.,

SpeakOut B2+(Unit 2)


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