1) How much money should I take with me on trips and activities? a) £80-£100 b) £1-£3 c) £10-£20 2) Why is it important to wear my student ID all the time? a) It makes me look cool and fashionable b) School details and the emergency number are on it c) You will not be served lunch if you don’t wear your ID 3) When should I call the school emergency number? a) To tell reception you are hungry b) If you get lost or have another big problem c) When you want to practise English 4) What are three things you should take with you on trips and activities? a) Umbrella, a lot of money, computer b) Phone, comfortable shoes, jacket c) book to read, photo of my parents, umbrella 5) What should you do if you get lost? a) Sit down and cry b) Call your parents c) Call the school emergency number on your badge 6) A nice stranger comes to you in Trafalgar Square and says they will show you around. a) Say "no thank you" politely and go to your Activity Leader. If you can't find them, look for a police officer or security guard nearby and tell them what happened. b) Say yes and go with the stranger to see more of the city. 7) You fall asleep on the Tube and wake up to find your group is gone. a) Stay on the train until the next stop. Then, use the emergency phone number to call your school. b) Get off the train at the next station and try to find your way back by yourself. 8) You notice your phone is lost somewhere in the Science Museum. a) Tell a staff member what happened and go back the way you came with their help. b) Continue your day without telling anyone. 9) You can't see your group in the big crowd during the Changing of the Guard ceremony. a) Stay where you are and wait for the crowd to get smaller. Keep an eye out for a staff member who can help you. b) Attempt to push through the crowd to find your group. 10) You arrived late and the group has already left the meeting point at St. Paul's Cathedral. a) Use your group chat or call the School Emergency Number on your badge. b) Begin walking around London, hoping to find your group by chance. 11) Someone says they're a friend of your Activity Leader and offers to take you to your group. a) Ask them to show you proof of who they are, like a badge or a phone number to call your Activity Leader and confirm before going anywhere with them. b) Go with the person without verifying who they are. 12) You fall down and hurt your ankle while walking in Hyde Park. a) Tell your Activity Leader what happened and ask for help. b) Try to take care of the hurt ankle yourself and keep going with your day without asking for help. 13) You start to feel sick while visiting the Victoria and Albert Museum. a) Tell your Activity Leader and ask for help. b) Keep feeling sick to yourself and continue the visit without telling anyone. 14) You lose your group in the busy Oxford Circus Underground station. a) Tell a member of staff or call the emergency number on your badge. b) Board a train, hoping it will take you to where your group is going. 15) A street vendor in Camden Town invites you to see more merchandise in their shop. a) Gently refuse and stay with your group. b) Follow the vendor to see their goods. 16) You realize you’ve left your backpack at the London Dungeon. a) Immediately tell your Activity Leader and follow their instructions. b) Leave the group and go back to the London Dungeon without informing anyone. 17) You get lost in the British Museum. a) Look for museum staff or an info point to help you in finding your group. b) Wander through the museum halls, hoping to find your group by chance. 18) You’re on a double-decker bus tour and miss the stop where your group gets off. a) Remain on the bus until it stops again and contact your Group Leader or the emergency number on your badge. b) Try to get off the bus while it’s moving to catch up with your group. 19) You notice a package at the London Eye.  a) Inform Security. b) Inspect the package on your own. 20) You have lost your group on an evening excursion to Leicester Square. a) Use your Whatsapp group to to liaise with your Activity Leader and wait for instructions. b) Ask random strangers for directions to your group’s location. 21) You have been pickpocketed in the tube station and now you can't get the train because you have lost your travel card. a) Let your Activity Leader know so they can help you. b) Beg for money from passersby to buy a train ticket. 22) You have an allergic reaction to food at Borough Market. a) Immediately inform your Activity Leader to seek medical attention. b) Ignore the reaction and hope it goes away on its own. 23) You’re confused about the meeting time and place at Covent Garden. a) Confirm the details with a friend or your Activity Leader. b) Guess where and when to meet and wait, hoping it’s correct. 24) Someone spills something on you in Piccadilly Circus and offers to clean it up. a) Gently refuse and check your belongings for theft. b) Let the person help with cleaning you. 25) You need to contact your Activity Leader but you don’t remember the emergency number. a) Ask a classmate for the number or look for the school number on your badge. b) Decide not to contact anyone and try to solve the problem on your own.

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