General questoins: Are you a seaman?, Did your brother go to Europe last year?, Have you been to GB?, Is a baby sleeping?, Are there three bus stops near your house?, Who-questions (Subject questions): Who is a seaman?, Who went to Europe last year?, Who has been to GB?, Who is sleeping now?, Special questions: Why are you a seaman?, Where did your brother go last year?, How many times have you been to GB?, Where is a baby sleeping?, How many bus stops are there near you house?, Alternative questions: Are you a seaman or a doctor?, Did your brother go to Europe or to the USA last year?, Have you been to GB or to China?, Is a baby sleeping in the next room or outdoor?, Are there three or four bus stops near your house?, Tag (distinctive) questions: You are a seaman, aren`t you?, Your brother went to Europe last year, didn`t he?, You have been to GB, haven`t you?, A baby is sleeping now, isn`t he?, There are three bus stops near your house, aren`t they?,
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