September 1 2006 - When was Roblox created?, Rocket Arena - What was the 1st Roblox game in Roblox?, Admin - What was the 1st User in Roblox?, Noob - What was the 1st Avatar in Roblox?, Fresh Red BaseBall - What was the 1st UGC item in roblox?, Roblox Classic Brigand's Sword - What was the 1st Roblox gear in Roblox?, Green Bow Tie - What was the 1st Limited Roblox item in Roblox?, July 12, 2012 - What year did Roblox start trading limited items?, Purple Banded Top Hat - What was the 1st hat on roblox?, a flat rectangle - What was the 1st car in roblox?, Bacon Hair - What was the 1st hair in roblox?, January 14, 2010 - When did Roblox hair come out?, April 15, 2021 - When was hair published in roblox?, T-Shirt - What was the 1st shirt in Roblox?, April 23 2008 - When were pants added to Roblox?, May 5 2009 - What is the first item published on Roblox?, The normal face - What was the 1st face in roblox?, October 4 2005 - When was the 1st face on Roblox Published?, DynaBlocks - What is Roblox first old name?, January 12, 2006 - When was Roblox playable 1st avatar published on?,
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