symbol - a visual picture for something else , circuit - a path that an electrical current can flow around , cell - a single unit of energy , current - the flow of electrons measured in amps, amps - how a electric current is measured , voltage - the greater it is the more the current will flow, resistance - the difficulty that the electric has when flowing around a circuit , electrons - Negative energy that can go through a circuit , battery - a collection of cells, neutrons - neutral energy , protons - positive energy , switch - a item used to brake/create a circuit , Lamp - an item that is used in a circuit to create light, buzzer - an item that creates a noise, Ammeter - a way to measure the flow of electricity , voltmeter - a item used to measure volts, motor - an item used in a circuit to create rotation, resistor - an item to lower the volts going to an item, Slider resistor - a item to change the volts going to an item, magnet - a item used to attract some types of metal, magnetic field - the range of a magnet , Electromagnet - an item that attracts some types of metal and can be toggled,
electricity word search
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