1) What does עקר mean? a) main b) secondary c) nothing 2) What does טפל mean? a) main b) secondary c) nothing 3) what is the ikar and tafful of pasta and cheese a) both b) pasta c) cheese d) none 4) If you are eating ketchup and french-fries which one do you make the bracha on a) ketchup b) fries c) both d) none 5) Why is the טפל there a) for fun b) to serve the עיקר c) why not d) just because 6) If you are eating a salad with alot of kail and a bit of strawberries and pears which one do you make the bracha on? a) kale b) strawberries c) pears 7) what is the ikar of toast and butter? a) toast b) butter c) both d) none 8) if you have a cupcake with frosting do you say the bracha on the cupcake or frosting? a) cupcake b) frosting c) none d) both 9) If you are eating the Taful just to help you eat the Ikur, and you wouldn’t eat the Taful without the Ikur, do you say a Bracha on the Taful? a) no b) yes c) maybe  10) todays lunch bread and cheese, do you have to make a brocha on both? a) no b) yes c) depends

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