photo - light, astro / aster - star, hydro / hydra / aqua - water , flect / flex - bend, curve, rupt - break, burst, mob / mov / mot - move, auto - self, bio - life, therm - heat, scrib / script / scribe - write / record, ped / pod / pede - foot, meter / metr - measure, phon / phone - sound, tract - drag/ pull, sphere - round, ject - throw, fling, hurl, struct / stru - to build, anni / annu / enni - year, micro - small, cycle - wheel, turn, macro - large, gram / graph - write/draw, vid / vis / vide / vise - to see, tele - far, ology - study of, ologist - one who studies, scop / scope - see, watch, man / manu - hand, geo / terr - earth,

Blocks 1-4 Roots (w/o numbers)

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