What is one thing in nature that you are thankful for?, Something I am grateful for that makes a beautiful sound is …, Something I am grateful for that tastes good is …, Something I am grateful for that smells amazing is …, Something I am grateful for that has been hard for me is …, Something I am grateful for that I would like to share with others is …, Something I am grateful for that is older than me is …, Something I am grateful for that is younger than me is …, Something I am grateful for that I recently discovered and learned is …, Something I am grateful for that shows a vibrant color is …, Something I am grateful for that has words on it is …, Something I am grateful for that makes me feel strong is …, Something I am grateful for that makes me laugh is …, Something I am grateful for that makes me cry is …, Something I am grateful for that represents my culture or family is …, Someone I am grateful for who I look up to is …, Name a teacher that you are grateful for and why …, My favorite thing about Thanksgiving is …, What famous person would you invite to Thanksgiving dinner if you could?, What is one thing that happened this year that you are grateful for?, If you could participate in time travel, what is one era that you would go back to celebrate Thanksgiving?, Who is one person that you consider to be a hero? Why?, What would a perfect day look like for you?, What was your favorite childhood book? Why?, What is your favorite season? Why?.
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