1) True or False: I can use social media to network a) True b) False 2) True or False: Networking only works if you are trying to make friends a) True b) False 3) True or False: Networking should be a continuous process and not just something you do when you're looking for a job. a) True b) False 4) True or False: Networking is only important for finding jobs in the tech industry a) True b) False 5) True or False: You can only use social media to network a) True b) False 6) True or False: Attending work conferences and meetups is a form of professional networking. a) True b) False 7) True or False: You can start the networking process while in school a) True b) False 8) True or False: Students should ask for job referrals from people they have just met at networking events. a) True b) False 9) True or False: When networking, you should always ask super personal questions a) True b) False 10) True or False: Joining student organizations or clubs related to your interests can help with networking. a) True b) False

Networking High/Med


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