get busy - The restaurant tends to __________ around 7 PM, so it's best to arrive early., wait for a while - We had to __________ before our table was ready., to get a seat - We were lucky __________ without a reservation., plenty to choose from - The menu had __________, including vegetarian and vegan options., good value - The lunch special was __________, with large portions for a reasonable price., disgusting - The soup I ordered was __________, so I sent it back to the kitchen., rude - The waiter was very __________, which made our dining experience unpleasant., over the city - Our table had a view__________, which made the dining experience even better., delicious - The dessert was _______but also, it was beautifully presented., a meal - We enjoyed __________ at a fancy restaurant for our anniversary., dish - My favorite __________ at this restaurant is the grilled salmon., course - The dinner included a three-__________ meal: appetizer, main course, and dessert., portions - The restaurant serves large __________, so we shared our food., feel like - I __________ something spicy tonight, so let's go to that new Thai restaurant.,
Outcomes A2 4.1 Restaurant vocab
Outcomes A2
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