Attending - paying attention to the client verbally and non verbally, Paraphrasing - restatement of content, clarifies misunderstanding, and shoes client is heard and understood, Reflecting - Paraphrasing with empathy; restatement of the emotional component of the clients message, helps clarify feelings, Leading - Inviting the client to go on, Clarification - appropriate anytime therapist does not understand or wants to check out understanding ("could you describe.."), Support - Normalizing to reduce anxiety , Summarization - tying together several ideas and feelings, expressed themes identified, and progress reviewed, Approval - making statements that reinforce specific and desired changes client makes ("good, you didn't let her criticize without speaking up"), Confrontation - pointing out discrepancies, conflicts, and mixed messages , Information - Gathering information about past or family , Interpretation - presenting a hypothesis about meanings of client's behavior, thoughts, or feelings, usually used later in therapy., Instruction - Giving comments about appropriate behavior in specific situations, role playing, therapist feedback, Homework and contracts - Giving suggestions/assignments to work on in between sessions ,
Counseling Skills Vocabulary 82024
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