Metaphor: Compares two things without using "like" or "as", She was a lion when she stood up to the bully., The instructions were crystal clear, leaving no room for confusion., He was lightning on his feet as he dashed to catch the bus., The kitten was a feather in my hands when I picked it up., Simile: Compares two things using "like" or "as", She was as brave as a lion when she stood up to the bully., The instructions were as clear as crystal, so I had no trouble following them., He ran as fast as lightning to catch the bus before it left., The kitten was as light as a feather when I picked it up., Alliteration: Repetition of the initial letter or sound at the beginning of words , Samantha swiftly swept the slippery sidewalk., Bold birds bravely battled the brisk breeze., Tim took ten tiny turtles to the tide., Wendy watched while wild winds whipped the waves., Parallelism: The balance of two similar words or clauses, The girl who studies is the girl who succeeds., The dog that barks is the dog that guards., The person who works hard is the person who achieves., The student who asks questions is the student who learns.,
LLATLW 2.1 Metaphor, Simile, Alliteration, Parallelism
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