Composite number - a whole number with more than two factors, Prime number - a whole number greater than 1 with exactly two factors, 1 and itsself, Factor - a number multiplied by another number to find a product, Product - the result of multiplying 2 or more factors together, Quotient - the answer to a division equation; the amount in 1 group, Estimate - an approximate calculation , Parentheses - symbols used to group terms in an expression, Numerical Expression - a mathematical phrase, with no equal sign or comparison symbol, that may contain a numbers and/or an operation, Multiple - the product of an number and an integer (skip counting), Divisible - a number's quality of being evenly divided by another number without a remainder, Dividend - the total that is being separated in a division equation, Divisor - the number of groups a total is split into, Variable - a lowercase letter that stands for an unknown number, that may change, Equation - a mathematical statement composed of algebraic and/or numeric expressions set equal to each other, Algebraic Expression - a mathematical phrase, with no equal sign or comparison symbol, that may contain a numbers, an unknown(s), and/or an operation, Order of Operations - the rules of which calculations are performed first when simplifying an expression,
Module 2 Vocabulary
5th Grade
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