cinder-cone volcano - consists of primairly of erupted volcano, extinct volcano - volcano that probably will not erupt, composite volcano - formed partly by explosive eruptions of ash and rock fragments and partly by mild lava flows, dormant volcano - volcano that is inactive but can erupt again, volcanic block - large, irregularly shaped lump made of lava that hardened before being thrown out of the volcano, pillow lava - lava in water solidifies almost instantly, forming rounded structures, aa - hardened lava that forms rough, jagged rocks with a crumbly texture, volcanic ash - solid particles less than 2 mm in diameter, lapilli - solid ejecta larger than 2 mm but less than 64 mm in diameter, pahoehoe - hardened lava with a surface that is either smooth or copy, pyroclastic flow - superheated cloud of gas and small particles that travels as an avalanche, magma chamber - The underground __________ is the actual source of a volcanic eruption., P - The fastest type of earthquake waves are _______waves., batholith - A mass of underground volcanic rock that is similar to a laccolith but much larger is a __________. , asthenosphere - The plastic rock on which the tectonic plates float is called __________., magma - The molten rock beneath the surface of the earth is called _________., igneous intrusion - The general name for a mass of underground volcanic rock is called_________, aftershocks - Smaller earthquakes that often follow a larger earthquake at frequent intervals are called _________.,
SCi T2 P4
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