locked - Moon is phase/tidally _, 1 rev=1rot, see 1 face, calendar - One of perople's earliest uses of the Moon, zenith - Point that is directly overhead., average - Astronomical Unit (AU) is this distance of Earth to Sun, year - Time it takes the Earth to revolve around the Sun, month - Time for Moon to revolve around the Earth., day - Time for one (1) Earth rotation., week - Time between major Moon phases., equinox - When Sun's direct rays on Equator, 12 hrs of day/night everywhere, solstice - When Sun at farthest North/South. Longest/shortest days., earth - Our planet, system - Everything gravitationally affected by Sun, Solar _., milkyway - Our home galaxy., local - Our galaxy cluster, _ Group., virgo - Our galaxy supercluster., web - The Observable Universe or Cosmic _., thirteen - Number of current zodiac constellations, that the Sun travels through., constellation - One of 88 IAU-defined regions of the sky centered on a figure, asterism - A recognized star pattern that is NOT a constellation., hour - Time that is 1/12 of daylight at the Equator, seasons - Moon stabilizes earth's axial tilt at 23.5o, meaning we have same _. , solar - Type of eclipse that can occur during a New Moon., lunar - Type of eclipse that can occur during a Full Moon., lightyear - Distance light travels in one year., fullmoon - Moon phase when the Moon rises at 6 pm (18:00),, newmoon - Moon phase when Moon rises at 6:00 am, the same as Sun., ecliptic - Path of Sun & Moon across sky/celestial sphere., waning - Crescent & gibbous phases when left side of Moon has light, waxing - Crescent & gibbous phases when right side of Moon has light, rotation - Reason stars, sun, and moon change over a day and night, Earth's _.,
Earth In Cosmos Review
11th Grade
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