Sensory Receptor - a nerve ending that sends signals to the brain when stimulated, Stimulus/Stimuli - something that causes an action, Nerve Cell - a type of cell that sends and receives messages between the body and brain, Sensory Input - chemical, electromagnetic, or mechanical stimuli that create a response in a nerve cell, Chemoreceptors - respond to chemicals in taste and smell, Olfactory receptors - a type of chemoreceptor that responds to smell; found in the nose, Gustatory receptor - a type of chemoreceptor found on the tongue and responsible for taste, Photoreceptors - receptors found in the eyes that respond to electromagnetic radiation (light), Mechanoreceptors - sensory receptors that respond to physical touch, pressure, and vibrations (sound), Thermoreceptors - a type of sensory receptor that responds to temperature changes, Nocireceptors - sensory receptors that respond to pain, Proprioceptors - sensory receptors that respond to the position of the body,
Sensory Receptors Vocabulary Flash Cards
7th Grade
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