a whale - This is the biggest animals in the world., CD's - You can listen to music with these., Videos - We can watch these at home at the weekend., soup - On cold days it is good to have a hot bowl of this., a shark - People are afraid of this animal, which lives in the sea., coffee - Some people drink this hot, with milk and sugar., a sandwich - Put butter and cheese between bread and you have one of these., I'm very well thanks. - Hello Sally. How are you?, I had a party at home. - What did you do on your birthday?, Yes, i did. - Did you have a cake?, I don't know. - How many friends came?, Yes, they're here. - Have you got any photos of the party?, Yes, I like it. - This one's very good., Oh, I must go. - Oh, look, the lesson is starting.,
YLE - MOVERS Valentino
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