battery - power source; produces an electric current , complete circuit/closed circuit - a closed path through which electric current can flow, incomplete circuit/open circuit - path of electric current cannot flow , electric current - the flow of electricity through a conductor, conductor - allows the flow of energy to pass through it, insulator - does not allow the flow of energy to pass through it, component - item that is being powered by electrical energy (light, fan, buzzer), switch - connect or disconnect the conducting circuit, sound energy - energy created by vibrating matter, thermal energy - form of energy that comes from heat, light energy - energy that makes it possible for the eye to see, mechanical energy (energy of motion) - energy that results in movement, energy transformation - when 1 type of energy changes into another type of energy, chemical energy - energy stored between particles of matter, system - a group of related parts that work together as a whole, reflection - bouncing of light off an object, refraction - bending of light as it passes from 1 transparent material into another, absorb - to soak up and take in, shadow - a dark shape that is made when a source of light is blocked,
Ch 4: Electricity and Light
5th Grade
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