Acute angle - an angle that measures less than 90°, Acute triangle - a triangle in which each of the three angles is acute (less than 90°), Angle - two rays with a common endpoint (the vertex), Classify - to sort based upon an attribute, Congruent - equal size and shape, Degree - the unit of measurement used to measure an angle, Equiangular - all angles are congruent (the same size), Equilateral - all side lengths o are congruent (the same size), Intersecting lines - lines that meet or cross at a point, Irregular figure - a polygon with sides and/or angles that are not all congruent, Line - a set of points that form a straight path that goes in opposite directions without ending, Line of symmetry - line dividing an image into two congruent parts that are mirror images of each other, Line segment - part of a line between two points on the line, called endpoints of the segment, Obtuse angle - an angle that measures greater than 90° but less than 180°, Obtuse triangle - a triangle that has one obtuse angle (greater than 90°) and two acute angles, Parallel lines - lines that lie in the same plane, never intersect, and are always the same distance apart, Perpendicular lines - lines that intersect at right angles to each other to form square corners, Point - a specific location in space, Polygon - a closed figure with at least 3 sides, where all sides are straight (no curves), Ray - part of a line that begins at one endpoint and continues without end in one direction, Regular polygon - a polygon with all sides and angles congruent, Right angle - an angle (formed by perpendicular lines) that measures exactly 90°, Right triangle - a triangle with one right angle (exactly 90°) and two acute angles, Straight angle - an angle that measures 180° (a straight line), Triangle - a polygon with three sides and three vertices, Two-dimensional figure - a figure with two basic units of measure, usually length and width,
4th Grade Geometry 1
4th Grade
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