apprentice - one who is learning by practical experience, bailif - an officer of the court who keeps order and serves papers such as writs, dawdle - spend time idly, furrows - grooves in a field; wrinkles as on a forehead, haggle - bargaining, manor - house and grounds of a lord or other noble, meander - wandered aimlessly, midwife - a person who assists women in childbirth, plough - breaking up and lifting soil to create rows for planting, replenish - resupply or fill up again, scavenge - remove or pick out from discarded items, wimple - a cloth covering worn over the head and around the neck, abundance - a sufficient quantity, cask - wooden container for liquid, similar to barrels, compliant - willing to obey; agreeable to cooperation, deceit - trickery or fraud, gluttony - eating or drinking too much, henceforth - from this point forward, intriguing - arousing curiosity, mucking - cleaning up farmyard filth, pluck - courage or readiness to fight against all odds, sheaves - bundles of wheat or other grain, torment - cause extreme mental or physical pain; torture, vellum - thin lambskin or calfskin intended to be written on,
Midwife's Apprentice Vocab. Chapters 1-12
7th Grade
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