children - the plural form of child, boxes - the plural form of box, umbrellas - the plural form of umbrella, hats - the plural form of hat, knives - the plural form of knife, leaves - the plural form of leaf, women - the plural form of woman, horses - the plural form of horse, bunnies - the plural form of bunny, monkeys - the plural form of monkey, books - the plural form of book, sheep - the plural form of sheep, geese - the plural form of goose, teeth - the plural form of tooth, feet - the plural form of foot, city - the singular form of cities, house - the singular form of houses, lady - the singular form of ladies, man - the singular form of men, desks - the singular form of desks, mouse - the singular form of mice, class - the singular form of classes, day - the singular form of days, foot - the singular form of feet, peach - the singular form of peaches, mango - the singular form of mangoes, radio - the singular form of radios, potato - the singular form of potatoes, country - the singular form of countries, key - the singular form of keys,
Plural Nouns Crossword
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