Europeans desired products from Asia, and traders wanted to profit from the exchange of products - Why Europeans explored the New World, improved astrolabe, more accurate maps, and a new sail design on ships - New tech that helped explorers, Portugal, England, Italy and France - Countries with ports on Atlantic, Paid for many voyages of exploration - Prince Henry's contribution to exploration, To find India - Dias and DaGama's quest, Sail west across Atlantic - Columbus's plan, Trade - Columbus's first action with Taino, Along of coast of Asia near India - Where Columbus thought he'd landed, Sail around Americas to India and circumnavigated world - Magellan's goal & claim to fame, North America - Land claimed by French & English, South America, Mexico, Carribbean - Land claimed by Spanish & Portugal, Gold, glory, Christian converts - Main goals of exploration, Diseases - Biggest factor in Cortes's success, Spain becomes global empire - Result of Pizarro's conquest, Crop grown to sell - Cash Crop, Slaves - Used to make plantations profitable, Exchange of ideas, technologies, food, disease & people across Atlantic btwn Europe, Americas & Africa - Columbian Exchange, Cultures meet & exchange foods, ideas, customs & knowledge - Cultural diffusion, Economic theory: more exports than imports to make mother counrty rich - Mercantilism, Raw materials - Main export of colonies to Europe,
Exploration Review Game
7th Grade
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