Question: Why did you drop your ice cream?, Does Josie have any pets at home?, Do you prefer to play football, tag, or four-square out at recess?, Do you believe it is already October?, How many states are in the Northeast region?, Statement: Your ice cream is on the ground., Josie prefers cats, but she also likes dogs., Four-square is the best recess game ever invented., The leaves will change colors and start falling from the trees soon., I'm learning all the states and capitals., Command: Hold on to your ice cream cone., Feed the cat her breakfast before leaving for school., Play tag with me at recess., Get your warm coat ready., Study your flashcards., Exclamation: That seagull is headed straight for your ice cream!, The cat is on top of the Christmas tree again!, It's finally time for recess!, The weather is too gloomy in the fall!, I finally remembered the capital of Vermont!,
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