AUDIENCE - A common word for a group of spectators, ETIQUETTE - Rules of audience behavior, PERFORMER - Usually a singer, actor, or dancer, ALIVE - A performer does not have to be human, or even..., LIVENESS - When a performer and a spectator are in the same place at the same time, EPHEMERAL - Because it does not last long, theatre is considered THIS KIND of art form, STAGE - Theatre requires a SPACE, which is usually on a..., OBJECTIVE - Goal or purpose of a character, what they want or need, RELATIONSHIP - Connection, involvement, or association between 2 people, STAKES - What is at risk if a character does not achieve their goal or purpose, BINARY - When there are only 2 choices, SPECTRUM - When there are many ways to measure or compare something, SET - The scenery behind performers, COSTUMES - The clothing worn by performers, LIGHTS - Electronic element that can control color and focus, SOUND - Electronic element that can control volume and music, PROPS - Objects that performers hold or perform with, WIGS - Artificial hair pieces worn by performers, MAKEUP - Applying paint, powder, or other material to the face or skin., CELLPHONE - Turn off your _____ ________ in the theater, CRYING - Do not bring a ______________ baby to a show, YOUNG - Some children are too _____________ for the theatre, WRAPPER - Jolly Ranchers are not welcome in the theater because they have a loud _____________, APPLAUD - Even if you like it, wait until the end of a song before you ______________, LAUGH - Try to __________ at the jokes and not the serious parts of a play, DRINK - Most theaters don't allow outside food or ______________, RECORD - Don't video, photograph, or otherwise ___________ a performance,
6th Grade Theatre Review
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