WAN - A wide area network is a telecommunications network that extends over a large geographic area for the primary purpose of computer networking., LAN - A local area network is a computer network that interconnects computers within a limited area such as a residence, school, laboratory, university campus or office building., Wired Network - A network in which computers use wireless connections to link with other people., Cellular network - The network is distributed over land areas called "cells", each served by at least one fixed-location transceiver, but more normally, three cell sites or base transceiver stations., Mobility - The ability to transport a device from one physical location without interrupting the connection., Availability - The probability that a system is operational at a given time, i.e. the amount of time a device is actually operating as the percentage of total time it should be operating, Bandwidth - The maximum rate of data transfer across a given path., Throughput - When used in the context of communication networks, such as Ethernet or packet radio, throughput or network throughput is the rate of successful message delivery over a communication channel., Reliability - A connection that transmits data without computer delays., Concurrent connections - This means the total number of simultaneous connections you can have open across you channels account., Security - How safe the network is from an attack., Ethernet - A set of networking technologies and media access methods specified for LANs, Wireless network - A network in which computers use wireless connections to link with other people,
9th Grade
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