abolish - to bring to an end; to do away with , agony - a great pain of mind or body; suffering, agonizing - very painful, catapult - a machine used in ancient wars that threw objects with great force, catapulted - to move or be moved suddenly and with great force as if by catapult, character - the qualities that make a person or place different or special, denounce - to speak out against someone; to criticize , denounced - to accuse someone of doing wrong, escalate - to go up or increase in size or scope, grim - cruel; fierce/unpleasant; disturbing, harbor - a protected place along a sea coast where ships can find shelter, harbored - to give shelter to; to take care of by hiding , inflict - to cause something to be painful to be felt, loathe - to hate or dislike greatly, loathing - a feeling of hatred, meddle - to involve oneself in other people's affairs without being asked, meddlesome - given or taking part of other's affairs without being asked, monstrous - causing shock; horrible; wicked, rouse - to awaken; to wake up, roused - to stir up; to excite, steadfast - unchanging; steady; loyal, translate - to put into a different language ,
Wordly Wise 6
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