the ability or right to use or obtain something - access to, near in distance - close to, buildings, equipment, or services provided for a particular purpose - facilities, easy to use or access; suitable for one's needs - convenient, payments made for the use of property or land - rents, a large, multi-lane highway designed for high-speed traffic - motorway, to find the position or place of something - locate, a building where goods are manufactured or assembled using machines - factory, connections between different forms of transportation, such as buses, trains, and planes - transport links, a facility equipped for scientific research and experiments - lab, a harbor or docking area for ships to load and unload cargo - port, a large building used for storing goods before they are sold or distributed - warehouse, an area designated for parking cars - car park, a room or space used for artistic work, such as painting, music recording, or photography - studio, the main building or offices used by a large company or organization - headquarters,
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