Agricultural Revolution - A change in farming methods led to greater production of food, Enclosure Movement - The consolidation of small farms into one large farm and fencing it in to restrict public access, Cottage Industry - Manufacturing based in homes., Industrialization - Process of developing machine production of goods, Entrepreneur - Someone who starts up and takes on the risk of a business, Factors of Production - Land, Labor and Capital (money), Union - An association of workers banning together to bargain for better working conditions and higher wages, Suffrage - Right to vote, Capitalism - Economic system based on free market and open competition., Social Class - A group of people with similar backgrounds, incomes and ways of living., Communism - Political and economic system in which factors of production are owned and directed by the state, Socialism - Political and economic system in which decisions are consented by the whole community., Industrial Revolution - The rapid development of industry, Laissez-Faire - Hands off. No government intervention in business.,

Age of Industrial Revolution Vocab

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