ASK a WHAT question to find out the time, ASK a WHAT question to find out someone's name, ASK a WHAT question to find out someone's phone number, ASK a WHEN question to find out someone's birthday, ASK a WHERE question to find where someone lives, ASK a WHAT question to find out what someone wants for their birthday, ASK a WHERE question to find out where your vacation is this summer, ASK a WHEN question to find out when your dad is coming home, ASK a WHAT question to find out what you are doing this weekend, ASK a WHAT question to find out the weather tomorrow, ASK a WHEN question to find out when your bus is coming, ASK a WHEN question to find out when is your Math class, ASK a WHY question to find out why your brother is late, ASK a WHY question to find out why school is closed today, ASK a WHY question to find out why your friend moved away, ASK a WHAT question to find out about tonight's homework, ASK a WHERE question to find out where to buy your favorite cereal, ASK a WHY question to find out why mom told you to bring an umbrella today, ASK a WHAT question to find out what is for hot lunch today, ASK a WHERE question to find out where your game is.

Asking WH Questions to Get Information

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