Response Bookmark - Pick a box to share out., Response Bookmark - Pick a box to share out., Response Bookmark - Pick a box to share out., If you made your book into a movie, who would you cast in the lead roles? Explain., Which character would be the best older sibling? Why?, If you could rewrite one part of the book, what would you change and why?, Which character do you relate to the most? Identify 2 similarities you have., Which character is your favorite? Why?, Do you think the main character in the story could continue on his/her journey without a companion? Why or why not?, If you could change one thing about a character, what would you change and why?, Did you expect the ending or was it a surprise? Why?, Did you race to the end, or was the end more of a slow burn?, Would you want to read another book by this author?, Did your opinion of the book change as you read it? What happened?, If you could ask the author anything, what would it be?, How does the book's title work in relation to the book's contents?, Are there lingering questions from the book you are still thinking about?.
End of Novel - Questions
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