What would you do if you could travel back in time?, What would you do if you were the richest person alive?, What would you do if you saw a ghost?, What would you do if you had a 3D printer?, What would you do if you were the leader of your country?, What would you do if a friend gave you a present that you didn't like?, What would you do if you could speak perfect English?, What would you do if you knew that a classmate was cheating in an exam?, What would you do if you saw a road accident?, What will you do if you feel unwell in the morning?, What will you do if it rains this weekend?, What will you do if you wake up late?, What will you do if you can't sleep?, What do you do if you're bored?, What do you do if you're upset?, What would you do if you had super powers?, What would you do if you were a teacher?, What would you do if you were invisible?, What would you do if you could meet someone famous?, English would be easier to learn if..., People would be happier if..., What will you do if you want to make a lot of money?, What do you do if you're stressed?, What will you do if you want to be healthier?.
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