PSO 1: Why do geographers study relationships & patterns among & between places? spatial concepts/HEI/scale, PSO 2: How does where people live impact global cultural, political, & economic patterns? pop distribution & its impacts/pop composition, PSO 3: How does where people live & what resources they have access to impact their cultural practices? traits/landscapes/patterns, PSO 4: How do historical & current events influence political structures around the world? pol entities/processes/power & territoriality, PSO 5: How do a people's culture & the resources available to them influence how they grow food? settlement & production patterns/Von Thunen/global of ag, PSO 6: How do physical geography & resources impact the presence and growth of cities? city origins/influences/size/distribution/internal structure, PSO 7: Why does economic & social development happen at different times and rates in different places? globalization of trade/impacts , IMP 1: How do geographers use maps to help them discover patterns & relationships in the world? maps/geog data & its power, IMP 2: How does the interplay of environmental, economic, cultural, & political factors influence changes in population? pop dynamics/DTM/Malthus, IMP 3: How does the interaction of people contribute to the spread of cultural practices? types of diffusion/religion & language, IMP 4: How are balances of power reflected in political boundaries & government power structures? boundaries/forms of governance, IMP 5: How does what people produce & consume vary in different locations? consequences & challenges/women in ag, IMP 6: How are the attitudes, values, & balance of power of a population reflected in the built landscape? density/land use/infrastructure/sustainability, IMP 7: How might environmental problems stemming from industrialization be remedied through sustainable development strategies? sustainable dev't, SPS 1: How do geographers use a spatial perspective to analyze complex issues & relationships? regional analysis , SPS 2: How do changes in population affect a place's economy, culture, & politics? pop policies/women/aging, SPS 3: How & why do cultural ideas, practices, and innovations change or disappear over time? causes & effects of diffusion, SPS 4: How can political, economic, cultural, or technological changes challenge state sovereignty? devolution/centripetal & centrifugal forces, SPS 5: What kind of cultural changes & technological advances have impacted the way people grow and consume food? origins/diffusion/revolutions, SPS 6: How are urban areas affected by unique economic, political, cultural, & environmental challenges? challenges of changes & sustainability, SPS 7: Why has industrialization helped improve standards of living while also contributing to geographically uneven development? Indust Rev/eco sectors/measures, women, theories of dev't.
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