Manufactured Goods - items produced from raw materials, Westernize - to make something or someone more like Western European , missionary - a person trying to promote religion to a foreign place, natural resources - raw materials that can be used for economic gain (to make money) like forests, water, fertile land, oil, or coal, colony - an area under the control of another country or empire, usually far away, Berlin Conference - meeting in which European Countries divided Africa amongst themselves, Social Darwinism - This was the idea that it was natural for strong countries (like the European nations) to take over weaker countries (like nations in Africa and Asia)., "White Mans Burden" - Europeans are responsible for civilizing (help improve) the people that they took over, Imperialism - taking control over foreign lands, "Scramble for Africa" - rush of Europeans trying to colonize Africa, Scarcity - not enough of something to meet the demand, Industrial Revolution - the change of making goods by hand to making goods using machines,

Imperialism Vocabulary

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