Why did you decide to work in human resources?, What are your responsibilities?, As an HR professional, how do you help to improve a company’s success?, What qualities does a good HR professional need?, Do you have your own particular approach to HR management?, What do you like most about the field of human resources?, What do you like least about the field of human resources?, What are the most difficult aspects of your work?, Describe an ideal workplace for you., What are some of the challenges that a company’s workforce faces as it grows?, What do you look for in a job candidate?, What "unusual" questions have you asked during an interview? Why?, How can managers attract and retain talented workers?, Do you think all big companies need leadership development programmes?, What is your view on performance appraisals?, What is your view on job dismissals?, Describe a difficult experience you had with an employer/manager/colleague and how you handled it., Is it always important to follow company policy or are there times when managers need to be more flexible?, Have you ever had to deal with an unethical situation? What happened?, How has your work changed over the past 10 years?, How do you think your job will change in the future?.
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